Since old times, the people imagine several things in their minds. An example is the mystery about if appeared or not the monster in Lake Ness. Are histories very interesting because in some cases, they are similar. My father and my mother, when lived in a little village in Felipe Shimitd told me and my brothers that, a long time ago there was a big monster in the Iguacú River. They said one day, when my Grandfather was a little boy, he played next to the river and appeared a strange monster. This monster was as big as a big tree.
When I visited my Grandfather, I asked him to tell me those histories. It was very funny, because he always told us differently the same history. Sometimes the monster was a great snake, sometimes it was a big fish, in other moments it seemed a dinosaur…
My father and my mother liked to repeat those histories too. My childhood was very funny because of the short histories which my parents and my grandparents told me.
The mystery of the Lake Ness can be a great imagination of people, but also can be a great true history in the mind of them…
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terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009
Education in the Traffic
Last week, I and my students accomplished a beautiful activity about the education in the traffic. The cares that we should have and what we should not do. My students elaborated posters, small dictionaries, presentation in slides, drawings and researches. They were very happy because besides presenting the works for other classrooms and friends, they also presented for a representative of DENATRAN. It was very good and a true success. We were invited inscribe us in the contest of Denatran. Our principal and all the school like a lot.
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Taking with Dostoevsky
My meeting with The Greatest Dostoevsky
I was in my house in a beautiful morning of a sunny day, when suddenly a famous Russian writer appeared. It was Fyodor Dostoevsky that lived between 1821 and 1881.Dostoevsky was a Russian novelist, journalist, and short-story writer. His best books are: "Crime and Punishment" (1866), "The Idiot" (1868-69), "The Possessed" (1872), and "The Brothers of Karamazov" (1879-80). The quotes from Fyodor Dostoevsky are famous in the literature world. I was very surprised, because I never thought of meeting a great person in a simple moment. But I was happy a lot of, because I loved his novels. It was a great moment in my life. I had just read a part of his romance “The Idiot”. So, I asked him about his life. I would like to know several things about him. Dostoevsky for me, besides Gabriel Garcia Marques, Machado de Assis and João Guimarães Rosa, is the best writer of the world. I remembered what Dostoevsky said to me:
_ Hello! May I come in?
I surprised, said:
_ Oh! Sorry, get in, please.
Dostoevsky looked at me as who knew what I thought, about that moment, and told me:
_ My Dear! I am here because I know everything about you, and I would like to know, why did you not learn Russian yet? You should read my books in Russian, and only in Portuguese, or topics in English. You need to know about my language. It is a great language. I know that you are occupied a lot. However, it is important that you learn Russian. What is more, the Russian literature is very interesting as you know. I am a simple writer. Leon Tolstoy is the greatest Russian writer.
_ No Mr. Dostoevsky, I disagree. I like very much Tolstoy because of his importance of the world of literature, but I think that you are the greatest Russian writer. And what is more, I prefer you as my biggest writer.
_ Boris Pasternak also is a greatest Russian writer without talking in another.
_ I know Mr. Dost., I love Doctor Zhivago, from greatest writer Pasternak, but I like too, your writings.
Fyodor Dostoevsky was in silence as someone who could say several things, but do not want to talk more. So, after a long pause, he told me.
_ I will come back soon. Wait for me in the next year my friend. Good bye and be careful.
Then when I looked for him, he was not there anymore, and the beautiful morning of a sunny day had ended.
Writing is one of the most important discoveries of the humanity. It is one of the oldest technological instruments that the human being has for his or her communication. It is a laborious activity, but also very interesting. It would be impossible to imagine modern world without writing. But writing is not only this. It is also a skill that requires discipline, time, work and a lot of study. It is not a product, but a process that is in a constant development. And his process involves all the composition with rehearsing to the next writing.
The generation of ideas and the construction of meanings happen when the writer enters in contact with writing production. He or She thinks, rethinks, writes, rewrites, read, reread and makes a dialogue with the text, exploring it and discovering its meaning. So, independently of the writer ability, he or she goes developing an interaction with text, happening with this the process of rehearsing, drafting and revising. At this moment also, the own writing takes a kind of form of constructing itself. It is interesting to perceive that reading has a function not only of input, but output when the writer rewrites his or her text.
In the classroom, all level teachers must teach writing. The teacher can begin with a little text, teaching some strategies to the practice of composition. It is very important that the teacher teaches the pupil to think about what he or she writes and feels linked the writing process. The motivation trough reading, speaking and listening can help, but is the practice of writing that really helps the student in the development of writing. With the beginning levels, it cannot be easy, however is possible the application of some technique by the teacher which can help the pupil in writing development. As examples of what can be done, telling stories, printing in the classroom, writing daily, listening to music, completing the gaps, coping dialogues of newspapers, or magazines, writing letters, a little conversation, short writing, keeping records, writing reports and descriptions of pictures. And with other levels, when the students have more acquisition of a language, it will become easier the work with writing.
But it is necessary also a lot of reading and practice of writing for the pupil interact with the text and discovers the wonderful art that is writing. Reading is present in writing all the time. It is impossible to write without reading. The relation that exists between reading and writing is similar to the first and second language. It serves as put to writing. On the other hand, the constant practice of writing contributes very much for its development. Stephen D. Krashen talks first of all that reading is necessary, but is not sufficient for acquisition of writing. This is because writing learning must be permanent.
Therefore, is very important that in the classroom writing activity can be a process that helps the student in the acquisition of the writing skill, so that when he or she develops this activity, he or she can feel very comfortable. The teacher can plan his or her class with stages of rehearsing, drafting and revising. Rehearsing promotes the dialogue between the pupil and his consciousness. Drafting helps the students to interact with writing and reading efficiently. Revising is the moment when the student makes revision, research and correction of the composition. And so, writing after writing is a process and not only a product.
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